Page name: Fantasy Critters United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-03 18:38:49
Last author: kanaseria
Owner: RenegadePhoenix
# of watchers: 39
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Welcome to Fantasy Critters United

A place where your fantasy self or critter can frolick... We are also a little nuts too O_o


Let your imagination run free

Welcome To Fantasy Critters United a place where you can come and frolick with your fantasy critter or if your a fantasy critter yourself... We welcome anything and everything! So please don't be shy and just add yourself to the list below as a member and please take a badge and place it on your Elftown page. If you need any help with anything or have any questions please contact me through elftown I am [RenegadePhoenix]! Alright have fun, look around as things keep changing so keep coming back to check up on us! :P


I will be making new badges now and then, if you have any suggestions or wish to submit a badge please contact me [RenegadePhoenix] and I will see what I can do. Thanks everyone and enjoy the current badges







I'm doing a badge trade For Dragons United so please check it out if you like dragons! <img:>

(To put your name on the list just go to edit and add your self!)


I know you all you people out there want to be members so go right ahead to the members page and join up!!!

DON'T PANIC: ALL POEMS AND SHORT STORIES HAVE MOVES TO Fantasy Critters Writters! Please go right ahead and add more stuff

fantasy critters shortstories</center>

<center> Do you Have a passion for doodling and drawing? Well Please post your Fantasy Artwork up here Fantasy Critters Art work


Go here Fantasy Critters and Games for a new competitions, games and awards!

Sorry About the Changes Bare with me!

Do you have a picture of a critter you love? Do you want it to be a guardian of one of the Fantasy Critters United Wiki Pages? Send me a message to let me know of which location you want and let me see your pic and your Fantasy Critter may be a guardian! All spots are open... except for the front page, which the Moon Dragon is guardian of and the main Writters Page! but all other pages are currently open and waiting for guardians! So message me if your interested!


three contests geared towards all of our talented individuals in Fantasy Critters United. Stay posted for any updates, as well as to voluteer for various jobs. positions for badge makers, wiki creators, and much more are available. these individuals will also be placed upon a comitte that will help to develop future wiki ideas. message [kanaseria] if you're interested in helping

Username (or number or email):


2004-06-01 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: 22:59 over here

2004-06-01 [Tyrana]: Ah.

2004-06-01 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: i'm gonna go to bed.. nighty night too all of you

2004-06-01 [Tyrana]: I've gotta go anyway... Bye!!

2004-06-01 [Kiristo]: We had a tornado in Burgen County, It was north of us, but still pritty close. we just got a huge thunder storm here. I live in a mountanus regeion so i don't get tornados.^^

2004-06-02 [RavenTalon]: Never have been in one...

2004-06-02 [Kiristo]: ur lucky

2004-06-02 [RavenTalon]: Really? I'm not lucky...I'm bored...nothing exciting happens around here:(

2004-06-02 [Kiristo]: same here.

2004-06-02 [RavenTalon]: I heard about big storms...the most we get is mist from Niagara Falls when we visit...

2004-06-02 [Kiristo]: O.o

2004-06-02 [RavenTalon]: lol I know...scary...but it is awesome in winter time when the mist freezes on the trees.

2004-06-02 [Kiristo]: cool!

2004-06-02 [RavenTalon]: I know it is kinda cool!

2004-06-02 [Kiristo]: ^^

2004-06-02 [RavenTalon]: :)

2004-06-02 [Kiristo]: .....G2G

2004-06-02 [RavenTalon]: Byes...

2004-06-02 [zinny]: haha....time zones...funny.....yet

2004-06-02 [RavenTalon]: lol

2004-06-03 [Ham]: *meow?*

2004-06-03 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: what's up, little kitten?

2004-06-03 [Ham]: Birds in flight, everything on top of Mount Everest and planes.

2004-06-03 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: and how about that dragon, that just passed my window?

2004-06-03 [Ham]: I don't get dragons where I live.

2004-06-03 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: me neither usually... i guess this is unusual then :P

2004-06-03 [Ham]: It was really weird when i looked out the window yesterday, the clouds looked like a city, there were even trees and a castle!

2004-06-03 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: whow... a cloud castle....

2004-06-03 [Ham]: It was very pretty and was on a cloud cliff, but the trees were cooler.

2004-06-03 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: did u take a picture??? i wanna have a cloud city... 'd be sooooo cool

2004-06-03 [Ham]: I didn't have a camera, i did a drawing though of what i could remember.

2004-06-03 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: that's cool... *tee-heee.. inspiration enters his mind* think i'm gonna draw one too...

2004-06-03 [Ham]: They are fun to draw, heres a tip, be careful when using a blue and yellow on top of each other as it will turn green. I made that mistake on the castle.

2004-06-03 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: i don't think i'm gonna use colors.. i'm better with just one color.... black... or grey...

2004-06-03 [Ham]: That was my second coloured piece normally i do it in pencil shades.

2004-06-03 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: me too.... they just work great... and you can erase sumpthin if you don't like it...

2004-06-03 [Ham]: I am a bit of a colour phobic but my friend is trying to cure me, makes me colour all my drawings in.

2004-06-03 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: cuwl.... i'm not phobic.. just.. when i finished a drawing.. i'm a little bit scared to ruin the whole thing...

2004-06-03 [Ham]: That is my problem, so i think you are a phobic.

2004-06-03 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: not really a phobic... sometimes i use color... it's just.. i only do that when i've destined the drawing to be colored before i start... otherwise it's already filled with grey shades and stuff

2004-06-03 [Ham]: I do that but then it turns out better than i expected.

2004-06-03 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: hmhm.... watch this.. it's not really great.. but.. it's got color...

2004-06-03 [Ham]: I like it! You are good at colouring I always do it to light.

2004-06-03 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: i think this one is too light too... i wanted it to be grim... well, it certainly aint...

2004-06-03 [Ham]: Not as light as one of mine, some people don't even realize it has colour.

2004-06-03 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: that's quit light then :P

2004-06-03 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: look.. we've covered the whole page with our conversation thingy :P

2004-06-03 [Ham]: Wow! Go us!

2004-06-03 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: yeah!!!

2004-06-03 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: owzzz... gotta go.... got to clean my room... cya later xxx

2004-06-03 [Ham]: ^.^

2004-06-03 [Kiristo]: HI!

2004-06-04 [zinny]: demons!!!

2004-06-04 [kanaseria]: where?

2004-06-04 [zinny]: a They arnt steppin ONE step into my heaed till they pay thier goddamn rent! bRUNNNNN!!!! c Look at my colidascope, isnt it cool?? dThose guys owe me like...a HUGE bucket of chicken wings...

2004-06-04 [Ham]: 0.0'?

2004-06-04 [zinny]: andswer!! a, b, c, or d????

2004-06-04 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: oh... you're just crazy... (who am i saying this to? i dunno.. we're all crazy i guess) :P

2004-06-04 [zinny]: no, please answer abcord

2004-06-04 [zinny]: that should be a gym thingy ABCORD!!

2004-06-04 [zinny]:

2004-06-04 [zinny]: mine was e:all of the above!!

2004-06-04 [Kiristo]: *turns into half-demon* well i'm a half-demon.

2004-06-04 [zinny]: a split monkey!!

2004-06-05 [Kiristo]: i've got fox ears, tail, claws, fangs, and phinox wings.

2004-06-05 [zinny]: im just a little confused angel without a place on earth or heaven...or hell... so i come on the internet and bug the shit outta people like you kiddin

2004-06-05 [Kiristo]: hm

2004-06-05 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: hey ham... are you outta there?... instead of that cloud-city... i made an entirely new specie of elves.. ít's called Aiira Elvai.... and guess what: they live in the sky :D or.. that's what those humans think :P  actually they're some kind of pirates, who managed to make airships

2004-06-05 [Ham]: Cool, and to think I may have inspired that!

2004-06-05 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: loads of thankfullnesssss over here :P

2004-06-05 [Ham]: ^.^

2004-06-05 [zinny]: What the HELL are the elves pirating from?? BIRDS? cool! i guess they could land, or slide down on ropes...but ropes leave carrying it all...they could pirate giant spires and towers though.... fun, none the less.

2004-06-05 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: no... they just pirate towns, ships, anythin on the ground, which has some resources

2004-06-05 [zinny]: fear my age of mythgology music!!

2004-06-05 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: why should i fear that? i've got it too :P

2004-06-05 [zinny]: howd you get yours? i just went in and copied them off the cd.

2004-06-05 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: i've got the special edition game...

2004-06-05 [zinny]: me toooo...i think....ya..wait...maybe.

2004-06-06 [Kiristo]: ?

2004-06-06 [Paul Doyle]: Speaking of Critters with Fantasies, check out how this little studmuffin critter made his dreams come true . . .

2004-06-06 [Paul Doyle]: <img:>

2004-06-06 [VorpalBlade910]: DANG!!!!!!!!

2004-06-06 [Gwendylyyn]: LMAO

2004-06-06 [Lioness123]: You go boy! Whoo! ;P

2004-06-06 [Kiristo]: *looks at rose*

2004-06-06 [Tyrana]: WOW!!! 42 kids!! I'm... impressed... ^_^

2004-06-06 [Gwendylyyn]: That's just nuts....lil man gets around don't he?

2004-06-06 [zinny]: damn dude, what's he gonna do about child support???

2004-06-06 [Gwendylyyn]: LMAO

2004-06-06 [Tigress Nera]: wow, i've missed alot. @.@ who r all u ppl?

2004-06-06 [Kiristo]: *lifts it to the moon*

2004-06-07 [zinny]: I AM GOD. That's all that really matters.

2004-06-07 [grieverx13]: That's one lucky fella...

2004-06-07 [Gwendylyyn]: I am Gwendylyyn...coudn't you tell  <-----

2004-06-07 [Ham]: And I am me.

2004-06-07 [Kiristo]: *looks at her rose held tward the moon*

2004-06-07 [Ham]: *looks too, it's very pretty,*

2004-06-07 [zinny]: PRAISE YOUR GOD! *cackels insanely* Can you guys sacrafice a cookie to your god, I'm sorta hungry. PLEASE? I'll end world hunger like a good and benevolant god I will.

2004-06-07 [Ham]: I'm not sure about worshipping you but you can have a cookie.

2004-06-07 [zinny]: Sweeeeeeet. All ther benifits of being a god, but none of the stress of annoying prairs...

2004-06-07 [Ham]: *sidles away from Zinny*

2004-06-07 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: *silently leaves the room*

2004-06-07 [Ham]: Bye, Jivan. Sorry if I scared you away!

2004-06-07 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: no.. zinny did... never been close to a god before....

2004-06-07 [Ham]: He is not a God!

2004-06-07 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: no, but he said so :P

2004-06-07 [Ham]: People say alot of things that aren't true.

2004-06-07 [Lioness123]: hehee

2004-06-07 [Ham]: What are the seedy things on fur trees called?

2004-06-07 [Kiristo]: dunno

2004-06-08 [Tyrana]: ...Pinecones?... or did I just join a conversation without enough knowledge of the topic at hand? (heh... again...) ^_^

2004-06-08 [Kiristo]: yup

2004-06-08 [Tyrana]: Ah... sorry about that... carry on ^_^

2004-06-08 [kanaseria]: must they carry on... *head hurts from pretending to read*

2004-06-08 [Tigress Nera]: curse the confoosedness. if i could get on more, i might not be so lost. *walks around in circles talking to self*

2004-06-08 [kanaseria]: hmm... *hits self in head with frying pan* OUCH! nope... doesn't help...

2004-06-08 [Lioness123]: don't kill anymore brain cells, you may need those someday

2004-06-08 [zinny]: NO!! THEY ARE CALLED MORPS!

2004-06-08 [kanaseria]: i need no brain cells!

2004-06-08 [Ham]: Did you know the little bits of paper inside hole punchers are called chats?

2004-06-08 [zinny]: Really? THAT KICKS ASS!!

2004-06-08 [Ham]: I know *is proud*

2004-06-08 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: all bow to ham *bows*

2004-06-08 [kanaseria]: thats what i call useless info... kewl

2004-06-08 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: eyy why didn't you bow?

2004-06-08 [kanaseria]: because i bow to no one! *sticks out tongue*

2004-06-08 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: you've got quite a point there... *thinks* *bows for kanaseria in respect for her greatness* :P

2004-06-08 [Tyrana]: *bows* ... ... ... *thinks*... ... ... *bows again*... I... I just like bowing... ^_^

2004-06-08 [zinny]: ..... or your hip fell out of place, and your back starts collapsing at random times.

2004-06-09 [Tyrana]: heehee... that would be an interesting... merry-go-round ride!!! hahaha!!! Interesting image...

2004-06-09 [kanaseria]: hey i've got people bowin! go me!

2004-06-09 [Lioness123]: hey, didja know that the normal person has approximately 300,000 hairs on his/her head at any given time..?

2004-06-09 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: did you know that most normal persons don't care that much about it?

2004-06-09 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: lol

2004-06-09 [Ham]: Yay! People are bowing to me! Join The Random Society

2004-06-10 [Kiristo]: Join Fantasy Dreamers United. PLEASE! WE NEED MORE PEOPLE!

2004-06-10 [Ham]: Only if you join The Random Society

2004-06-10 [Kiristo]: fine.......u have to join mine then

2004-06-10 [Ham]: Ok

2004-06-10 [Tiger Shark]: gooooooooood afternoon.

2004-06-10 [Heartlesskitten]: gooood afternoon to u too!!!

2004-06-10 [Tiger Shark]: why thank you. *hands you a cookie*

2004-06-10 [Heartlesskitten]: Miya! More cookies!!!! Thankies!

2004-06-10 [Tiger Shark]: welcomies!

2004-06-10 [Lioness123]: can I have a cookie? *makes cute sad puppy face*

2004-06-10 [zinny]: HA! I was thew one with the original cookie, a sacrafice to me as a god...

2004-06-10 [Tiger Shark]: HA!! you wish [zinny]. *hands a cookie to [Lioness123] for being cute*

2004-06-10 [Lioness123]: Thankee! *chomps it down and licks crumbs from fingers*

2004-06-10 [Tiger Shark]: *does the same with another cookie*

2004-06-10 [zinny]: Nope, it was but me, to whome the original cookie was givin.

2004-06-10 [goth dinah]: hello

2004-06-10 [kanaseria]: *wonders where the hell [RenegadePhoenix] is and why i've been left in charge* can't... control... the madness!

2004-06-11 [Sweet 6 6 6--H.I.M.]: i know some one who can help you with that maddness. they live in a hospital with white padded walls. *hands [kanaseria]a card with the address of the hospital on it*

2004-06-11 [Ham]: Oh, can I have that adress, please? I think I need it even more than her!

2004-06-11 [kanaseria]: oh no ya don't... ask anyone else in this wiki who needs it the most, n they all say me! *looks at card*

2004-06-12 [Kiristo]: *walks to a dark corner, sits and curls in a ball and looks out window to see if the moon will come out tonight*

2004-06-12 [jaguargal]: How do you join this? I'm kinda dense tonight and I don't get what it says up there XD

2004-06-12 [kanaseria]: ok, u go here FantasyCritters and add your name to the list.

2004-06-12 [jaguargal]: I think I did it right. Did I?

2004-06-12 [kanaseria]: nope. did you click submit after you edited?

2004-06-12 [jaguargal]: yes. what page was wrong?

2004-06-12 [kanaseria]: perhaps. did u click on the link i put up?

2004-06-12 [jaguargal]: which one?

2004-06-12 [kanaseria]: i'll put it up again. this is the link: FantasyCritters

2004-06-12 [jaguargal]: It might have just been to big. Is it OK now?

2004-06-12 [kanaseria]: yup. *claps* congratulations n welcome 2 the wiki

2004-06-12 [jaguargal]: YAY! Thankies. So we just chat n' things in here?

2004-06-12 [kanaseria]: basically. [RenegadePhoenix] left me in charge while she's gone n i'm s'posed 2 b keepin the topic on fantasy critters, but i let it run wild

2004-06-12 [jaguargal]: lol. I'm gonna go sit next to Lady Dragon and watch for the moon XD

2004-06-12 [Paul Doyle]: or you could become a friend of [Calico Tiger], as i am, and watch the "moon" on the "Online Friends List" every time Cali logs in :P

2004-06-12 [jaguargal]: Really? How does that work?

2004-06-12 [Paul Doyle]: just visit the house of [Calico Tiger] and you will see the famous Moon ;-)

2004-06-12 [jaguargal]: ok, but I've already been there =^_^= She's in the Furry Guild with me XD

2004-06-12 [Paul Doyle]: really? Where's that wiki? (I'm a bit Scaly)

2004-06-12 [jaguargal]: lol, scallys are alowed too. I think it's The Wiki-page Furry Guild

2004-06-12 [Paul Doyle]: is it a private wiki? If so, I'll ask to be invited. If it's not "private", I'm there :P

2004-06-12 [jaguargal]: lol, I don't know. [Furr] and [Shining light] are sorta in charge

2004-06-12 [Lioness123]: hey, I got a new wiki for all you dragons lovers out there!! Its called Dragons eyes, please join, I need more members to get it off the ground.

2004-06-12 [jaguargal]: I would put something in there but I'm not sure how XD

2004-06-14 [Tiger Shark]: hello people

2004-06-14 [GraphicEntropy]: Hey all, visit my new wiki if you have a little extra time/are bored/like making characters for stories and RPGS. It's The Ultimate Character Guide

2004-06-15 [Kiristo]: I'm on iades! for wikis *sorry don't know how to spell it*

2004-06-15 [Lioness123]: Mmm....lil smokies are good...

2004-06-15 [Kiristo]: sm....smokies.......???

2004-06-15 [Lioness123]: those little sossages that you eat with a toothpic at parties..

2004-06-15 [Lioness123]: these are sooo bad for you...I read the pachage and it has like, 750 mg of sodium per every 5 you eat...I'm gonna die of a heart attack by the age of 21...

2004-06-15 [Kiristo]: .......ookkaayy.........

2004-06-16 [zinny]: WHY ISNT ANYTHING ON FIRE YET??

2004-06-16 [Sweet 6 6 6--H.I.M.]: if you want fire you need to be on the Pyromanics wiki we burn everything.

2004-06-16 [Lioness123]: lol, July 4th is coming up... the pyromaniacs holiday

2004-06-16 [kanaseria]: i've been ordered 2 remind you people we must only speak of fantasy critters in here. that out of the way... *pulls out flamethrower* hehehe...

2004-06-16 [Ham]: *quickly* dragons!

2004-06-16 [kanaseria]: ooo... good answer... now, who's next?

2004-06-16 [Ham]: I'll go again, centaurs! WOOT!

2004-06-16 [zinny]: This IS technically fantacy critter based, beings that many fantacy critters light things on fire.

2004-06-16 [Ham]: Nice try!

2004-06-16 [gone from elftown. deleted.]: .. but they're mostly dragons.. right? how about all the other creatures? (the other 99 percent) ;)

2004-06-16 [Kiristo]: ^^

2004-06-17 [Lioness123]: the phoenix starts fires ;)

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